
We have recently switched our online giving platform saving thousands of dollars in fees. Please let us know if you have any questions.


Fees and Stewardship

In the US alone, churches are losing over $35 million to giving fees every year. That’s because when you give online, you think you’re giving $100, but instead the church receives only $96.80 (at best) after the processors take their cut. This new giving platform, Nucleus Giving, is different. They have negotiated the lowest fees and they don’t take money from your gifts. In this way, 100% of your intended gift always goes directly to First Church, as it should.

(NOTE: Card fees are 1.9% of your gift. ACH fees are a flat $0.25.)

Thank you so much for your generosity!

Access Your Old Giving Account

If you would like to edit your donation or reference your previous giving account you can do so through the link below. Kendra, our Business Administrator would be happy to cancel your recurring donation if you would like. Simply call 532.1478 or email her at